Where can I get accurate number of CoronaVirus cases?
Generally, data from expert bodies or international bodies such as WHO is considered to be most accurate. In addition to these, the official government data by respective department of every country can be used*. In some countries media houses, universities and research groups also publish good data.

We are listing some such sources below, along with our recommended ones. Following one of those sources for the numbers would help you stay safe from fake news and fake dashboards. While making the list we looked at three factors - reliability, accuracy and recency of data.
- John Hopkins University - the most reliable, precise and frequently updated global dashboard. You can click on a specific country to see total cases, total deaths and total recovered. For some countries such as US further deep dive is also available.
- New York Times - brings together data from multiple sources, including JHU and WHO. Has additional features such as map for cases per capita, and where cases are rising fastest.
- World Health Organisation - while it is one of the most reliable and precise sources, it seems to have a time lag - probably due to some bureaucratic process before the data can be made official.
- NBC's dashboard - they use the JHU data, but seem to have a lag. The chart has an additional ability to see the situation at any particular date which makes this worthy of a spot on this list.
- HealthMap.org - its dashboard has a beautiful interface, with much greater location detail than JHU and WHO but it only shows total number of cases, and seems to have a lag in updating. Its standout feature is that it allows the user to animate the spread of cases right from the first few cases.
- NextStrain.org - this is a very technical 'Genomic Epidemiology of novel coronavirus' for real connoisseurs of disease related data.
- The BaseLab - if you are looking for a table of data, this should help you. Reliability is not clear, but seems to be frequently updated.
- Bloomberg - not the most well crafted page, but they have a map with travel restrictions (currently lagging by more than a week.)
Are you aware of any other source which we should add to the list? Please let us know in the comments
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*Generally less reliable because of scope for manipulation by political and bureaucratic leaders of countries where systems are not independent and strong.